# Ontop with Denodo
NB: You might also consult the following presentation, which shows screenshots for
some of the steps described below:
https://github.com/ontop/ontop-examples/blob/master/cikm-2018-tutorial/4-obdi-demo.pdf (opens new window)
# 1. Set up Denodo.
# Download Denodo Express
Download it from https://www.denodo.com/en/denodo-platform/denodo-express (opens new window)
(register, download the platform and the licence file)
Unzip the file and run the installer.
Note: environment variable JAVA_HOME
must be set
# Running Denodo
- Select the 'Virtual DataPort' tab
- Start 'Virtual DataPort Server'
- Press the 'Launch' button
- Login with:
. Login:admin
. Password:admin
. Server://localhost:9999/admin
# 2. Configure datasets with Denodo
NB: instead of doing the following step by step, you can also load this SQL script directly within Denodo.
# Create a database
We will create two data sources based on web APIs.
First, a Web API with weather data.
- Administration -> Database Management -> New
- Name the database
for instance (leave the rest to default values), and click on the 'OK' button - In the left window, right-clik on the bzopendata database -> New -> Data Source -> JSON
- In the field 'Name', enter
- In the field 'Data route', select 'HTTP Client'
- Click on the 'Configure' button to enter the URL of the source:
http://daten.buergernetz.bz.it/services/meteo/v1/stations (opens new window) - Click on 'OK', and then press the 'Save' button to save the data source
Then add a second data source for sensor data, repeating all the operations above, but:
- in the field 'Name', enter
, - use the URL: http://daten.buergernetz.bz.it/services/meteo/v1/sensors (opens new window)
# 3. Configure the datasources
Select a data source, and click on 'Create base view'
- for stations: use the default "tuple root" (
) - for sensors: use the "tuple root":
(uncheck the checkbox 'JSON root')
Click on 'Save'.
For stations, click on the 'Execution panel' button, and then the button 'Execute'
We get only one result --> We need to flatten the data:
- In the left window, right-click on {}stations -> New -> Flatten (to display the data sources, you may need to right-click on 'bzopendata' -> 'Refresh')
- Right click on the row 'features' in the table -> 'Flatten array features'
In addition, we want to project the subfields of the JSON object 'properties':
- Select the 'Output' tab
- Right-click on the row 'properties' in the table -> 'Project subfields of properties'
Click on 'Save': this creates a new view 'f_stations'
# 4. Configure Ontop-protege to use a Denodo datasource
Install the Denodo JDBC driver: Within Protege: File -> Preferences -> 'JDBC Drivers' tab -> Add
. Description:Denodo
. Class name:com.denodo.vdp.jdbc.Driver
. Driver File (jar): browse to<DenodoInstallationPath>/tools/client-drivers/jdbc/denodo-vdp-jdbcdriver.jar
For the connection, in your Datasource manager, use:
. Connection url:jdbc:vdb://localhost:9999/bzopendata
. Database Username:admin
. Database Password:admin
. Driver class:com.denodo.vdp.jdbc.Driver
# 5. Create the ontology and mapping and and try some SPARQL queries
You can use directly the files we have prepared:
# 6. Setup a SPARQL endpoint with Command Line Interface
# Configure Ontop CLI
Add the JDBC denodo driver for the Ontop CLI:
cp <DenodoInstallationPath>/tools/client-drivers/jdbc/denodo-vdp-jdbcdriver.jar
Run the Ontop CLI:
ontop endpoint -t bzweather.owl -m bzweather.obda -p bzweather.properties --cors-allowed-origins='*'
# Access the SPARQL endpoint
Open http://localhost:8080/ (opens new window)
Run an example SPARQL query:
PREFIX geo: <http://www.opengis.net/ont/geosparql#>
PREFIX sosa: <http://www.w3.org/ns/sosa/>
PREFIX : <http://example.org/weather#>
?station a :WeatherStation ; geo:asWKT ?wkt; :hasSensor ?sensor ; :longitude ?lon; :latitude ?lat .
?sensor sosa:madeObservation ?o .
?o sosa:hasSimpleResult ?wktLabel .
?o sosa:resultTime ?t .