# Setting up an Ontop SPARQL endpoint with Docker

# How to use this image

The Docker image ontop/ontop (opens new window) is for fast setting up an Ontop SPARQL endpoint. One can either use this image directly, or create a dedicated image based on this image.

  1. Go to the endpoint/ directory. Alternatively, if you don't have already the tutorial files, you can download this OWL ontology file, this mapping file, this properties file and paste them in input/.
  2. Make sure to have the jdbc/ directory and the JDBC driver inside.

In addition, we need the h2 database as usual. Assume the h2 database is already running.

NB: Linux users have to modify the property jdbc.url in input/university-complete.docker.properties. Replace host.docker.internal with the IP address of your machine (you can see it running the ifconfig command).

# Use ontop/ontop directly

We can start an Ontop SPARQL endpoint by using the ontop/ontop image directly. On Linux/Mac:

docker run --rm \
           -v $PWD/input:/opt/ontop/input \
           -v $PWD/jdbc:/opt/ontop/jdbc \
           -e ONTOP_ONTOLOGY_FILE=/opt/ontop/input/university-complete.ttl \
           -e ONTOP_MAPPING_FILE=/opt/ontop/input/university-complete.obda \
           -e ONTOP_PROPERTIES_FILE=/opt/ontop/input/university-complete.docker.properties \
           -p 8080:8080 \

On Windows:

docker run --rm ^
           -v %CD%/input:/opt/ontop/input ^
           -v %CD%/jdbc:/opt/ontop/jdbc ^
           -e ONTOP_ONTOLOGY_FILE=/opt/ontop/input/university-complete.ttl ^
           -e ONTOP_MAPPING_FILE=/opt/ontop/input/university-complete.obda ^
           -e ONTOP_PROPERTIES_FILE=/opt/ontop/input/university-complete.docker.properties ^
           -p 8080:8080 ^

Now we can open http://localhost:8080/ (opens new window) to test SPARQL queries.

# Create a dedicated image

In case we want to deploy a self-contained image, we can write a complete Dockerfile:

FROM ontop/ontop
WORKDIR /opt/ontop
COPY input/university-complete.ttl input/university-complete.obda input/university-complete.docker.properties input/ 
COPY jdbc/h2-1.4.196.jar jdbc/
ENTRYPOINT java -cp ./lib/*:./jdbc/* -Dlogback.configurationFile=file:./log/logback.xml \
        it.unibz.inf.ontop.cli.Ontop endpoint \
        --ontology=input/university-complete.ttl \
        --mapping=input/university-complete.obda \
        --properties=input/university-complete.docker.properties \
        --cors-allowed-origins=http://yasgui.org \
        --lazy # if needed

Then, run the commands to build and run the Docker image:

$ docker build -t my-ontop-endpoint .
$ docker run -it --rm --name my-running-ontop-endpoint -p 8080:8080 my-ontop-endpoint

# Use Docker-compose

Docker-compose allows setting up a number of containers together. For example, the following docker-compose.yml file creates a cluster consisting of an H2 database (db) and an Ontop SPARQL endpoint (ontop).

version: '3.4'
    image: openjdk:8-jdk-alpine
      - ./h2:/opt/h2
    command: [ "java", "-cp", "/opt/h2/bin/h2-1.4.196.jar", "org.h2.tools.Server", "-tcpAllowOthers" ]
      - "8082:8082"
      - "9082:9082"
    image: ontop/ontop
      ONTOP_ONTOLOGY_FILE: /opt/ontop/input/university-complete.ttl
      ONTOP_MAPPING_FILE: /opt/ontop/input/university-complete.obda
      ONTOP_PROPERTIES_FILE: /opt/ontop/input/university-complete.compose.properties
      ONTOP_PORTAL_FILE: /opt/ontop/input/university-complete.portal.toml
      ONTOP_DEV_MODE: "true"
      ONTOP_LAZY_INIT: "true"
      - ./input:/opt/ontop/input
      - ./jdbc:/opt/ontop/jdbc
      - "8080:8080"

Now we can simply start it:

$ docker-compose up

It exposes the following two ports for the browser:

Last Updated: 2/18/2025, 10:38:08 AM