# Make a new release

# Update documents

  • README.md in build/distribution. This file will be uploaded to SourceForge and Github Releases
  • README.html in protege/plugin. This file will be displayed in the Protégé Plugin Update window.
  • update.properties file in protege/plugin. This is the configuration file for Protégé plugin Auto Update

# Create a git branch for release

$ git checkout <main development branch>
$ git checkout -b releasing/<version-major.minor>

# Update the version numbers

Update pom.xml files by Maven plugin to a SNAPSHOT version:

$ ./mvnw versions:set -DnewVersion=5.0.0-SNAPSHOT

# Build Maven packages

$ ./mvnw release:clean
# Preparing the release will sign artifacts (GPG key needed), create the new tag in git and automatically push to github.
# When 100% sure, you can skip the test by `-Darguments="-DskipTests"`
$ ./mvnw release:prepare
# stage the release
$ ./mvnw release:perform
# Or stage from a Git tag
# ./mvnw release:perform  -DconnectionUrl=scm:git:git@github.com:ontop/ontop.git -Dtag=ontop-5.0.0

# Stage the Maven artifacts

# Build and distribute Ontop bundles

# we can start from the `checkout` directory generated during the Maven release
$ cd target/checkout
$ ./build-release.sh

Further info: Build Instruction

$ sftp user,ontop4obda@frs.sourceforge.net
$ cd /home/pfs/project/o/on/ontop4obda
# sftp://ghxiao,ontop4obda@frs.sourceforge.net/home/pfs/project/o/on/ontop4obda

# Update Docker Hub

  • Build and push the docker image of ontop/ontop (opens new window) to Docker Hub using the script client/docker/build-image.sh
    • by default, the script tag the images as ontop/ontop:[version] and ontop/ontop:latest - use option -t (one or more times) to tag differently (e.g., -t ontop/ontop:xyz -t ontop/ontop:latest)
    • run client/docker/build-image.sh --help for available options
# log in to Docker Hub
# docker login
$ cd ontop/client/docker/
# `-C`: multi-stage build. slow, but safe
# `-x`: compile for both amd64 and arm64, which entails pushing to Docker hub
$ ./build-image.sh -C -x

# Update the Ontop Website

# Update the API example repository

# Update branches for next development iteration

  • Merge the tag for the release to master and the release branch to develop
$ git checkout develop
$ git merge release/v-number #branch
# this step is also for triggering the AutoUpdate of Protege plugin
$ git checkout master
$ git merge v-number # tag

# Time for celebration!

  • Send release emails to several mail lists and social media
Last Updated: 10/15/2024, 8:37:48 AM