# Intermediate Query (IQ)

Input queries for Ontop are expressed in (a fragment of) SPARQL 1.1, whereas the output of the query reformulation process is expressed in the query language used by the underlying DBMS (prototypically some variant of SQL but also other query languages like the MongoDB Aggregate Framework).

Because most query rewriting and optimization steps apply regardless of the underlying DBMS, a DBMS-independent query representation format is used internally. This format is called intermediate query (IQ) and allows for the representation of queries and mapping assertions.

# IQ

In terms of implementation, since 4.3.0, intermediate queries are always immutable and based on the class IQ. Prior to that, there was also a mutable variant, centered on the former class IntermediateQuery, which was actually the first implementation.

# Query nodes

An IQ is a standard (rooted and ordered) tree representation of a algebraic query expression. In terms of implementation, it is based on a projection atom and an IQTree.

The underlying algebra is a compromise between (a fragment of) the SPARQL algebra on the one hand, and the select/project/join/rename/union relational algebra (RA in what follows) with named attributes on the other hand.

The following is an informal description of the different types of nodes which may appear in an IQ. A formal characterization (in terms of RA algebra) is given in the dedicated section.

Optimizations applied to IQs are described in the dedicated section.

# Leaf node types

# Intensional data node

A intensional node is a prototypical leaf node that is expected to be replaced by an IQTree when unfolding the mapping.

It is characterized by a predicate , where each is either a ground term (constant or functional term without variable) or a variable name.

Intensional data nodes are typically used for representing triple and quad patterns from SPARQL.

# Extensional data node

An extensional data node is similar to an intensional data node, expect that:

  • Is is not required to be unfolded (e.g. if it represents a database table)
  • It has a sparse representation: only a subset of columns are mapped to variables or ground terms.

# Empty node

An empty node can be viewed as a specific specific type of data node, whose evaluation will always be an empty set of tuples.

See the dedicated section for a precise characterization.

# True node

True nodes represent another limit case, namely an expression whose evaluation will always be a singleton set containing the 0-ary tuple.

See the dedicated section for a precise characterization.

# Native node

A native node is defined from a native query string (e.g. a SQL string) and explicits the datatypes of the variables returned by the native query. It is generated at the end of query reformulation. It is not used in the mapping.

# Values node

Since 4.2.0. A Values node, similarily to the VALUES keyword in SQL and SPARQL, represents an "embedded table" having its rows embedded in the query.

# Non-leaf node types

# Filter node

A filter node represents an RA selection over the evaluation of its (unique) child node.

# Inner join node

An inner join node represents the RA n-ary natural join of the evaluations of its children nodes.

Explicit joining conditions may also be attached to it.

See the dedicated section for a precise characterization.

# Left join node

A left join node represents the RA binary natural left outer join of the evaluations of its children nodes. The left and right children nodes respectively stand for the left and right part of the join.

Explicit joining conditions may also be attached to it.

See the dedicated section for a precise characterization.

# Union node

A union node represents the RA n-ary union of the evaluations of its children nodes, possibly preceded by a (unique) projection applied to each of them.

See the dedicated section for a precise characterization.

# Construction node

A construction node represents a sequence of (at most) three operations applied to the evaluation of its unique child node:

  • a projection, followed by
  • the application of a function to the values of each retrieved tuple, followed by
  • a variable renaming.

For instance, a construction node may first project out variables and , then prepend the string "http://domain/" to each value retrieved for , and finally rename variable with .

Each of these three operations is optional.

See the dedicated section for a precise characterization.

# Aggregation node

An aggregation node is defined by the grouping variables over which the aggregation occurs (if any) and a substitution defined the new variables obtained by from aggregation functions.

It projects the grouping variables and the variables defined by the substitution.

# Slice node

A slice node contains a limit and/or an offset value, that is uses for eliminate tuples from the result set.

# Distinct node

A distinct node keeps only one occurrence of each tuple.

# Order by node

An order by node orders the tuples based on a list of comparators. It orders first the results according to the first comparator (ascending or descending) and, in case of same ordering, it orders them using the following comparator, and so on.

This operator follows a NULLS FIRST semantics (if ascending, NULLS LAST otherwise), similarly to SPARQL.

# Previous query format (version 1)

Datalog was the main internal query representation format in Version 1 of Ontop, due in particular to its close similarity with conjunctive queries, which were the only supported input queries. The switch to SPARQL input queries increased expressiveness, making their rule-based representation more complex (due in particular to the the SPARQL OPTIONAL operator, which, roughly speaking, corresponds to the SQL left outer join). The intermediate query format on the other hand offers a relatively straightforward internal representation, not only of SPARQL queries, but also of the queries sent to underlying DBMS (at least the SQL-like ones), as well as complex mapping assertions (which, in most scenarios, contains SQL queries). This is also why the rule-based internal representation has been progressively abandoned.

Last Updated: 11/26/2024, 1:08:23 PM