# CIKM 2018 Tutorial

# Semantic Technologies for Data Access and Integration

# Presented by

Diego Calvanese, Guohui Xiao

# Time

Friday, 26 October 2018
08:15AM-09:45AM & 10:15AM-11:45AM & 01:00PM-02:30PM

# Abstract

In this tutorial, we cover such principles and the main (semantic) technologies underlying OBDA/I. In addition to the theoretical underpinning, we provide participants also with a practical hands-on experience on state-of-the-art tools. In this way, industry practitioners and researchers gain a good understanding of semantic technologies for OBDA/I, and are able to deploy them for their data access and data integration needs in practical use-cases.

# Schedule

  • Session 1. 08:15AM-09:45AM

    • Motivation
    • Elements of OBDA systems
    • Semantic Web standards
  • Session 2. 10:15AM-11:45AM

    • OBDA systems and Use cases (30 mins)
    • Hands-on with Protege (60min) [link]
  • Session 3. 01:00PM-02:30PM

    • Query processing (rewriting) and optimization (60min)
    • Demo on integrating Web APIs using Ontop and Denodo (30min)

    All the slides are available at GitHub (opens new window)

# Target Audience

The target audience of the tutorial are researchers, PhD students, and practitioners, who are interested in deepening their theoretical understanding of semantic technologies for accessing and integrating data, and in getting insight into recent developments in this area.

# Prerequisite Knowledge

We assume from participants basic knowledge on relational database foundations (relational model, relational algebra and SQL) and technologies (use of relational engines, JDBC). Some knowledge of first-order logic might be useful, but is not required to follow the tutorial. Similarly, background in Semantic Web standards, such as RDF and SPARQL can be of help, although these notions are an integral part of the tutorial, and are introduced and discussed in the first part.