# Research team

Ontop is a project initiated by Diego Calvanese and Mariano Rodriguez-Muro in 2009 in the KRDB research centre for Knowledge and Data (opens new window) at the Free University of Bolzano (opens new window).

A decade after, Ontop remains very active, both from a research and a software development point of view.

# Researchers

Here we list the people who have been involved in the research side of the Ontop project. For the development side, see the community page.

# At the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (Unibz)

# Alumni researchers from Unibz

# International collaborations

# Projects

The development and the research around Ontop over the years have been mainly funded by research projects.

# Current projects

# Past projects

  • Thinking ONtologiES (TONES), EU FET project
  • Optique (opens new window) (Scalable End-User Access to Big Data) FP7 project
  • Ontology-based Data Access to NoSQL Database (OBDAM), Unibz project
  • Ontology-based analysis of temporal and streaming data (OBATS), Unibz project
  • IDEE (data integration in the energy sector), FESR Project
  • GeoVKG (geo-spatial VKG), Unibz project
  • High Quality Data Integration with Ontologies (QUADRO), Unibz project
  • High quality Open data Publishing and Enrichment (HOPE), Italian national PRIN (Research Projects of National Relevance)
  • PACMEL (VKG for process mining), CHIST-ERA EU Project
  • INODE (opens new window) (data management infrastructures), H2020 EU project