# Google BigQuery
Supported since 5.0.2.
Through the BigQuery (opens new window) connector, Ontop is able to construct VKGs on cloud-based Google BigQuery databases using the Simba BigQuery JDBC Driver (opens new window).
# Limitations & Exceptions
Integrity constraint information is a recent feature in BigQuery. Beware that the majority of tables in BigQuery are still not providing this kind of information. Make sure to provide missing integrity constraint information in order to avoid very inefficient queries. We recommend using lenses for this purpose.
The Simba BigQuery JDBC Driver officially only supports Java 8 and 11. If you want to use Java 17, the following option must be added to the JVM --add-opens java.base/java.nio=ALL-UNNAMED
- String literals have to be encased in single quotes (
). Double quote string literals ("
) are not supported. - The position counter in the flatten lens starts counting at 0 instead of 1 for BigQuery.
- Accessing struct fields with the "dot operator" is not supported (see below).
- In BigQuery, columns of the type
are not supported. UseARRAY<STRUCT<ARRAY<T>>>
instead. - The Ontop option
is not supported for BigQuery, as the JBDC does not allow us to access system tables.
# Database Connection
The following shows the content of a sample .properties
file that can be used to connect Ontop to BigQuery:
jdbc.url = jdbc:bigquery://dummydomain.com:443;ProjectId=dummyproject;OAuthType=0
jdbc.property.OAuthServiceAcctEmail = service.account@dummydomain.com
jdbc.property.OAuthPvtKey = paht/to/private/key/file.json
jdbc.driver = com.simba.googlebigquery.jdbc.Driver
The Google BigQuery JDBC supports different types of authentication methods. The above .property
file corresponds to the OAuthType 0: Service Account method, which involves creating a service account for BigQuery and downloading its private key from the web interface. However, any other authentication method can be used with Ontop as well.
# Nested Type Support
Ontop implements explicit compatibility with the ARRAY<T>
type. When used with the flatten lens, it is able to automatically infer the type of the result column.
The flatten lens cannot be used on arrays stored as JSON columns in the database. For such use cases, the column first has to be converted to an array type.
The position counter starts counting at 0 instead of 1 for BigQuery.
In BigQuery, columns cannot directly be "arrays of arrays". To represent a two-dimensional array, the type ARRAY<STRUCT<ARRAY<T>>>
has to be used instead of just ARRAY<ARRAY<T>>
# Struct Access
In BigQuery, individual struct objects can be accessed by SQL expressions using the "dot operator" on the struct column. In Ontop, this feature is not currently supported.
Should any of their elements still be required, then a workaround can be performed by first transforming the struct into a JSON object and then accessing it using JSON functions.
JSON_VALUE(TO_JSON(my_struct), '$.my_attribute')